Drawing a 900 antelope tag is relatively easy draw in Montana, at least this year. Time to pause and thank the Montana Bowhunters Association for lobbying to create this great opportunity for us archers! THANK YOU! If your an archer and your not a member please consider joining an individual membership is $25 for one year or $45 for a business memebership.
Something to note if you hold a Montana Antelope tag. Blue tongue has taken a toll on antelope in some areas. The norther part of region 5 was effected along with other areas. Check with Montana Fish Wildlife and Parks and our website to get the latest antelope report biologists to get the detailed information on the areas you plan on hunting. With the price of fuel you don't want to head to the field without getting some solid information first.
I did notice that antelope numbers were down on the ranch that I hunt. However in two days I did see over 65 bucks but noticed that the does and fawns were less plentiful. I took my buck on the second morning of the hunt. The ranch that I hunt on is huge, with over 250,000 acres of land. I personally hunt a "pasture" that is 3 miles wide and 7 miles long...that's over 21 square miles of habitat. I was the only one there! If your interested in booking this hunt join the website and look up hunt 189. So far I've taken two bucks in two consecutive years on this ranch.
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