Monday, April 13, 2009

Wife Bags Big Gobbler!

Ok so how'd you all do for the opener of Montana Spring Turkey Season?
Score wife 1, Joe 0.
I called this nice tom in on our bluebird opener on Sunday at about 4pm. He responded right away to calls when we were cruising some new country looking for roosting sites. We ended up jumping a hen. Then quickly set up the decoys and called. He came in on a string to 15 yards. It was my wife's first turkey and first big critter. She was excited and so was I.
I had a feeling we could get him close but had no idea we could've have reached out and spit on him. I had my bow but wanted her to get the first opportunity. She took one shot and it was all over but the flapping.
If you want to have a great time take out a first time hunter. We got on some private land because of it AND because we asked! Nice bird!!! Well done Ris!

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