Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Status of Bills Affecting Hunting, Fishing and Access

Bill Recap and Status Montana Hunting and Fishing

HB 79 - Restricts the State to no net gain in State Land acreage.That means no new Fishing Access Sites, Habitat MT purchases.

HB 190 - Bridge Access Bill, passed through the House with only 5 no votes on 2nd reading and 97-3 on 3rd reading. Will be transmitted to the Senate. This is one we all want to see passed!

HB 172 - Hearing 02/03/2009~ Provisional Hunter Safety Certificate for Persons with Disabilities. This bill will offer hunting opportunities to those individuals with "special" education needs, but does not give gun privileges to those who have been precluded from using firearms. Passed 3rd reading in House 2/10/09.

HB 253 - The Montana Wild Bison Recovery and Conservation Act would put primary bison management responsibility into FWP authority. Bison are a game animal in MT but Dept. of Livestock has had the primary role within the Interagency Bison Management Plan discussions. HB 253 would change that. HB 253 was tabled in committee.

HB 317 - Guarantee special hunting license forfeited because of military deployment. MWF supports our troops and believes this provision is only the fair thing to do for those abroad sacrificing for their country. Passed 3rd reading and will be scheduled for the Senate soon.

HB 314 - Our Harboring Act that would provide relief to ranchers who offer public hunting but suffer crop loss due to a neighboring landowner that harbors deer, elk etc. but not allow public hunting to control animal numbers. Hearing held Tuesday February 17, executive action expected soon.

HB 382 - Hearing 02/03/2009 Hunter Mentoring for Certain Hunters and exempts beginner hunters from Hunter Safety instruction, for up to 5 years. That 26 states have begun a "mentor" program sets some precedence, but no reports on their success are available and it is questionable that Montana needs this program. This bill passed out of the FWP Committee after amendments changed the requirements to "only hunters over the age of 14" and limiting the exemption to 1 year. Passed 2nd reading, 3rd reading scheduled for today 2/18.

HB 402 - Removes sunset on Land Banking and increases maximum acreage trade to 500,000 acres. Sportsmen want to keep current 200,00 acre maximum and a sunset to ensure the program isn't abused.

HB 430 - Establishes in law that although Stockgrowers can fence across navigable streams to keep livestock under check, those fences can't be barbed wire for public safety reasons. Hearing scheduled for March 5 in House FWP Comm.

HB 614 - Makes it a state crime to ride off-highway vehicles on closed public lands. No such law exists making off-road violations difficult. Hearing likely on Friday February 20 in House Judiciary Committee.

SB 31 - Requires that a member of the FWP Commission to own 1280 acres & be in the full-time business of raising livestock. By state law, one member of the Commission must have a history with raising livestock already, we shouldn't eliminate good Commission candidates who might raise hay or wheat, or someone who depends on leasing for their operation. This bill has passed the Senate 28-21and is scheduled to be heard in House FWP Committee.

SB 162 -Requires FWP to ONLY make season/license changes where biological reasons dictate. This is an attempt to take any social elements from the season-setting and harvest processes in response to changes in Archery license requirements in select Hunt Districts. SB 162 will be heard on the Senate floor on Monday February 9, 2009 at 1 pm. Passed 2nd reading, Killed on 3rd reading 23-26.

SB 163 - Will require FWP to do an Economic Impact Analysis within every rule making procedure. The cost to sportsmen and diversion of license dollar funds is enormous for no perceivable gain. Fortunately this bill has been tabled.

SB164 - Requires a set 40% of any purchase price for FWP properties to be set aside for maintenance whether or not the condition of the land requires any weed containment or other upkeep. This bill's intent is merely to cripple FWP's authority to establish a responsible budget. It was amended to require 20% additional money to be set aside for maintenance and removed the requirement that no further purchases until that maintenance/weed control has taken place then passed on 3rd reading in the Senate.

SB 183 - Prohibits cooperative work with US Government in regards to wolves. Hearing 2/19 at 3PM in Senate F&G Comm, 3PM.

SB 213 - Hearing 02/03/2009 ) Require FWP plan to manage wildlife to prevent disease transmission: Senate Bill 213 will require FWP to manage wildlife to "prevent disease transmission". Because of its vague wording, this bill could be used to begin a "test and slaughter" program for elk in the Yellowstone area. FWP already has the authority to address disease issues and always has. SB 213 was heard in the Senate Fish and Game Committee. Fiscal note shows a $300,000 cost in sportsmen's dollars. SB
213 has been amended to prevent disease transmission BETWEEN livestock and wildlife, a change that takes the teeth out of the bill. Likely to pass 3rd reading soon.

SB 217 -Requires that testing costs be borne by FWP with license dollars for any livestock diseases that can be attributed to wildlife if big game numbers are over FWP objectives. In many areas in MT, we cannot manage by hunting or get access to big game to manage populations then how can we meet objectives using our number one technique: public hunting! The Fiscal note shows a cost to sportsmen of $18 M in state and federal funding .
Tabled in Committee.

SB 314 - would change the definition of "natural waters" for Stream Access purposes, to only those streams that have NO irrigation return water, or have any water diverted for irrigation purposes, essentially eliminating almost all streams outside of National Forest boundaries. Any such streams would be ineligible for stream access until they return to Class I waters, or those which meet Navigability requirements. Additionally, it alters portage requirements to apply only to "manufactured" obstructions, which now are defined as anything "manmade". You could not portage those boulders and rootballs put into streambeds to divert water into headgates!! February 12 - SB 314 was to be heard in Senate F&G Comm. at 3PM but has been postponed to a later date. Currently the sponsor has asked that the bill not be heard.

SB 316 - Hearing 02/10/2009 Allow Attorney General Assistance to County Attorney in Road Disputes. Please support this excellent bill carried by Jeff Essman (R) of Billings. As more and more public/private road disputes arise, the work load imposed upon County Attorneys has grown to unmanageable levels. This short bill clarifies the role of the AG in determining legal status of questionable road ownership. Hearing was canceled in Senate Judiciary Committee but expected to be rescheduled in March.

SB 383 Requires full-size license plates on ATVs and off-highway vehicles.
When abuses occur in the field, identification is difficult. This bill will provide another tool for prosecuting violators. Hearing scheduled for Thursday, February 19 at 3PM in Senate Highways and Transportation Committee, rm 405.

SB 404 - Revises location requirements for Bird Shooting Preserves, increases maximum size requirements and requires no net loss of public hunting opportunities as a result. Passed out of Committee headed for Senate floor.

Issues and Bills of Concern and Their Current Status: (from

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