Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Central Montana Bird Hunting

I've spent the last few days chasing birds with some mixed results. It seems like some areas experienced huge problems with a hail storm that swept through Montana. This effected nesting birds and seemed to really take a toll on pheasant numbers.

However, yesterday I shot 2 pheasants and did see over 20 birds. Here's why I think I saw as many birds as I did.
  • I was hunting on private land with limited pressure (You can too with a membership to SportsmensAccess.com)

  • I had access to dogs

  • I was willing to walk

  • I took my time and talked to the land owner for over an hour before I started

All of these things can make the difference to being successful in the field or not. So sieze the day and get out there and hunt!

I'm hunting a different ranch today and will keep you posted. It seems like some areas were not as hard it with the hail storm as others.

Shoot Straight! (I know I could've used this advice yesterday! A few too many missed shots)

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