Sometimes the politicians get it right... Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar’s announced today agreeing with the decision by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service in January to remove gray wolves from the list of threatened and endangered species in Montana, Idaho, and parts of Utah, Washington, Oregon. Wolves will remain a protected species in Wyoming.
Wolf conservation and management in Montana will become the full responsibility of the state when the decision takes effect 30 days after its publication in the Federal Register, which is expected within a few weeks. Just in time!
If you've been in the woods this past year you know the impact of wolves on elk herds this year. Now it’s time for the state to take over management of the wolf just like it should've been in the first place.
USFWS originally announced the decision to delist the wolf in January, but the new administration decided to review the decision as part of an overall, government-wide regulatory review when it came into office.
Federal officials said the USFWS decided to delist the wolf in Idaho and Montana because they have approved state wolf management plans and solid programs in place that will ensure the conservation of the species in the future.
At the same time, USFWS determined wolves in Wyoming would still be listed under the Endangered Species Act because Wyoming’s current state law and wolf management plan of shoot'em on site doesn't cover a management plan according to the Feds.
With delisting, the flexibility to protect livestock and domestic dogs is provided in Montana law. Similar to lions and black bears, a wolf seen actively biting, wounding, chasing, harassing, or attacking livestock or domestic dogs could be killed.
Such incidents must be reported to FWP in 72 hours.The transition, however, may face court challenges. Several groups say they will closely scrutinize the latest federal delisting decision and may renew legal challenges to block it. "We belive this decision is on solid biological and legal footing, " Maurier said. "If challenged, FWP will defend the delisting decision.
Legal challenges could affect the sale of hunting licenses for a 2009 wolf-hunting season previously adopted by Montana’s FWP Commission. Officials said none would be offered for sale until Montana is confident a wolf-hunting season could occur.
In the mid 1990s, to hasten the overall pace of wolf recovery in the Northern Rockies, 66 wolves were released into Yellowstone National Park and central Idaho.The minimum recovery goal for wolves in the northern Rocky Mountains was set at a minimum of 30 breeding pairs—successfully reproducing wolf packs—and a minimum of 300 individual wolves for at least three consecutive years and well distributed throughout the recovery area.
The goal was achieved in 2002, and the wolf population has increased every year since. The northern Rockies "metapopulation" is comprised of wolf populations in Montana, Idaho, and Wyoming.
About 1,600 wolves, with about 95 breeding pairs, live in the region now. MORE THAN 5 TIMES THE ORIGINAL STATED number.
About 420 wolves inhabited Montana, in 73 packs and 39 breeding pairs at the end of 2007, Maurier said. The population is expected to increase slightly when 2008 minimum estimates are finalized.