Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Recap of Extended Elk Season
According to Kurt Alt, Regional Wildlife Manager, “Harvest approached bull quota first in hunting district 314 and shortly after that in other extended areas.” All extended areas were closed to bull hunting and in advance of severe winter weather.
Hunters should expect to see continued elk harvest opportunities in various areas of Region 3 through management seasons and game damage hunts until Feb. 15, 2009, including in hunting districts 360 and 362.Hunters needed to sign up by July 15 for management season and game damage hunting opportunities through FWP’s game damage roster.
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
41 wide MT buck?
Monday, December 8, 2008
Taking of Pending #2 Big Horn Under Investigation

Calls to the Region 6 information officer confirmed that there is currently an open and on-going investigation into the taking of this ram. Since it was an on-going investigation they couldn't provide any details.
We'll keep you appraised on the situtation.
Monday, December 1, 2008
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Missouri Breaks
Where can you go to hunt in Montana that provides you with opportunities for huns, sharptails, pheasants, geese, ducks, turkeys, antelope, deer and elk? (Of course, you need to draw tags for antelope and elk.) The answer is the Missouri River Breaks. What makes this area even better is that you don’t have to wonder if you are trespassing.
Stories of Success
On this trip, a friend scored a bull elk tag and shot one that we rough-scored at 330 B&C. My friend saw 11 bulls one morning and took the biggest one. In addition, he shot a 24 inch mule deer. Not bad for 10 days of hunting. I joined him later on his trip and was able to shoot the buck pictured above whose rack measured 22 inches wide and 20 inches tall.
As luck would have it the next day we saw 3 bucks that were all bigger than the buck I took. We were able to get 83 yards from them (I had my rangefinder). The biggest buck was a brusier. We guessed him at 26 inches wide. He had deep forks and a very heavy frame. With only a few weeks left in the season and where he's at I think he has a good chance at making till next year.
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Just one more thing. We visited a local rancher who provides access to hunters, and we saw over 30 turkeys just on his place. When we asked if we could hunt, he told us, “Have at it.” Unfortunately, we ran out of time. The good news is turkey season closes on January 1.
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Suburban Elk
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Pheasants, Pheasants, Pheasants
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Central Montana Bird Hunting
However, yesterday I shot 2 pheasants and did see over 20 birds. Here's why I think I saw as many birds as I did.
- I was hunting on private land with limited pressure (You can too with a membership to
- I had access to dogs
- I was willing to walk
- I took my time and talked to the land owner for over an hour before I started
All of these things can make the difference to being successful in the field or not. So sieze the day and get out there and hunt!
I'm hunting a different ranch today and will keep you posted. It seems like some areas were not as hard it with the hail storm as others.
Shoot Straight! (I know I could've used this advice yesterday! A few too many missed shots)
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Possible New World Record P&Y Mountain Goat

Monday, October 27, 2008
Elk Opener 2008
A biologist also let me know that since public access is limited in this area that there were a significant amount of elk in the area. He also mentioned that since this ranch lies a transition zone between forest and open sage brush this is great spot for elk after snow is on the ground. We just got some Tuesday night!
Here is a short video of my time on the ranch. If you like what you see check out TRIP ID 188 on Only members can use the Trip Search feature so Join Today!
Monday, October 20, 2008
Win a Pair of Nikon Monarch 10x42 Binoculars

As a bonus, if you complete the survey you'll be entered in a drawing to win a pair of Nikon Monarch ATB 10x42 binoculars which have a retail value of $299.99! Please click on the link below to complete the survey, and we'll announce the winner of the binoculars drawing on October 30th.
Shoot Straight!
Joe Esparza
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Pending New TOP 10 Missouri Breaks Ram

Left 44 2/8 x 17 4/8 x 17 x 15 2/8 x 9 7/8 = 103 7/8
Total= 204 4/8" green

Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Pending New World Record Elk Taken in Utah

The bull was taken with Mossback Guide and Outfitters owned by Doyle Moss. Amazingly the outfitter had footage of this bull last year and they estimated him at 350. In one year this bull put on 150 inches of points.
Sounds like Denny earned this bull spending 12 straight days in the field searching for this brute. Another amazing point of this story is he actually missed this bull on the 12 day. One of Doyle’s guides saw this bull over 8 miles away from where Denny took the shot. Denny came back and they were able to locate the bull and took him on the 13th day of his hunt. Congratulations Denny and Team Mossback!

Tuesday, October 7, 2008
My Last Weekend Chasing Bulls with a Bow
Most of the elk were concentrated on upper ridges. They were in the head of the basin about ½ mile from the top. Hunting this late the elk were not very vocal at all. I heard an occasional soft bugle. No grunts. Just a low soft errrrrhugh…no more than 3 seconds. I also heard no cow calls. I saw cows but when I meowed they were quite. With the elk bunched up like that it was almost impossible to stalk them with a bow.
It raining, windy and with fog on day two. The rain started at 2:45 AM and never let up. It rained so hard it came in under the door of the trailer and in the vent of the refrigerator. Visibility was down to about 100-200 yards. Last night as I drew my bow back I realized some how my peep sight had gone missing. I decided to head to Dillon to Uncle Bob’s and get it fixed. I also stopped at Tim Tollets and said, Howdy too. Opening of waterfowl season was today. Perfect weather for that. They mentioned that a lot of birds were in the area and with the weather for the opener should be fantastic.
On my way back I stopped at a spot I've wanted to check on the last few weekends. I wanted to see if I could legally gain access. I could but only walk in so I humped it in about a mile and started to glass. I saw over 55 elk and three 6 point bulls. Unfortunately, they were on the wrong side of the fence. So I’ll I could do was look.
On day three I forgot my binoculars. I realized this about a mile from the truck I decided to hunt without them and just use my range finder. I was at a serious handicap. Don’t do this. Take the time to walk back and get the binos.
I saw 88 total elk on this day. One group on I saw counted for 74. There were two herd bulls in this group that even from 1 mile away you could see were huge. It looked as there were other bulls in the bunch but the distance and the lack of my Swarovski’s put me at a definite disadvantage. I won’t make this mistake again. Here's a small group of elk I crept up on I couldn't narrate for obvious reasons.
I can say that I absolutely love hunting here. It is wild, it is remote it is spectacular; it is why I live here and get out and do this year after year. Here is a bull that I ended up getting 58 yards away from...he saw me before I saw him. Nice 6x6 though.
Thursday, October 2, 2008
A Price Break Considering The Economy
I've spent a lot of time on the road in Montana lately. I've hit Miles City, Ingomar, Broadus, Dillon, Divide, Florence, Troy, the Yaak and many places in between. As a reflection of what is happing in our nation, I've noticed the effects on our economy here in Montana. I also know from experience that there's nothing like time spent in the Montana outdoors to put it all in perspective.
Special Offer on Access to the Best Hunting & Fishing in Montana.
In acknowledging what is happening in Montana and the rest of the county, we would like to offer those of you that have expressed an interest in our site this $40 off coupon. This coupon will give you an opportunity to join the site for just $59.00 for an entire year! Please feel free to forward this great offer to a friend.
As a Member of You'll Get:
- Free Hunting Opportunities
- Private Ranch Hunting and Fishing
- Great Lodging with Access
- Email Alerts on Reduced Fee Hunts or Free Hunts
- And much more!
So don't delay. This offer expires on Opening Day for Deer and Elk - October 26, 2008. Enter Coupon Code F51922BCE4 and take $40 off your membership. Join Now!
Shoot Straight,
Joe Esparza
Monday, September 29, 2008
Bugling Bulls Part 2
I got up close and personal to this herd bull, 68 yards. I could see his rack just going back and forth over some brush. I needed to close the distance but the wind and an errant cow that came up from behind me ruined that chance. I was close (125 yards) to these elk for approximately 4 hours but just didn't get a shot.
I also saw 13 deer with only one decent 4x4 this is a permit area so it was a no go on the deer. I also saw 2 moose.
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Yaak Whitetails, 80 degrees, and the Bull and Bitterroot Rivers

Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Bugling Bulls
Monday, August 18, 2008
Archery Antelope 2 years 2 Bucks
Drawing a 900 antelope tag is relatively easy draw in Montana, at least this year. Time to pause and thank the Montana Bowhunters Association for lobbying to create this great opportunity for us archers! THANK YOU! If your an archer and your not a member please consider joining an individual membership is $25 for one year or $45 for a business memebership.
Something to note if you hold a Montana Antelope tag. Blue tongue has taken a toll on antelope in some areas. The norther part of region 5 was effected along with other areas. Check with Montana Fish Wildlife and Parks and our website to get the latest antelope report biologists to get the detailed information on the areas you plan on hunting. With the price of fuel you don't want to head to the field without getting some solid information first.
I did notice that antelope numbers were down on the ranch that I hunt. However in two days I did see over 65 bucks but noticed that the does and fawns were less plentiful. I took my buck on the second morning of the hunt. The ranch that I hunt on is huge, with over 250,000 acres of land. I personally hunt a "pasture" that is 3 miles wide and 7 miles long...that's over 21 square miles of habitat. I was the only one there! If your interested in booking this hunt join the website and look up hunt 189. So far I've taken two bucks in two consecutive years on this ranch.
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Lake Agnes
Having never been to Lake Agnes we consulted the RAM maps and looked over the hike. I then made a call to the Beaverhead National Forest Office for some quick information on the best way to get in to this lake. We found a 2 mile route that although very steep and rocky was less an hour hike up. After a creek crossing of Rock Creek and some frequent stops to catch our breath we arrived at Lake Agnes.
I wasn’t prepared to find a beautiful sandy beach to greet us at the lake. Wow what an unexpected treat! This is a beauty of a lake.
I had decided to pack in float tubes for my wife and I complete with flippers. So we unpacked them from the pack and started to blow them up. One of the tubes was my son’s which I had never used before. It did not have a blow up type of tube in it but rather a type that required a pump which of course I didn’t have. So we were down to one tube. I know I can hear all of you now…”you should have looked”. I paid the price of a 2 mile hike with the dead weight of a useless float tube and fins.
We ended up catching 10 fish 6 grayling. Here is a sample of them.
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
Best Day on the Big Hole
I also got a ticket for not having a PFD on my pontoon. The two wardens were floating the river checking licenses and PFD's. So $45 later I was still up to my elbows in fish. As a matter of fact as I pulled out from where I landed to recieve my citation I landed a nice 14 inch rainbow. So don't forget to carry your PFD on your pontoon boat!
Monday, June 23, 2008
Father's Day and A Gift for My Wife
Ris (my wife) managed to hook three fish in the tailwater of the dam. They were nice fish two were in the 20 inch mark. Landing them proved to be a little harder for a first time angler. If you fish this beautiful little river you know why. The fish are big and have been fished hard. She had a great day and was a very fast learner.
Sunday, June 22, 2008
Big Hole June 23, 2008
I decided to forgo the crowds and headed up above Wise River. Floated from Fish Trap to East Bank. Put in about 9:00 and was finished at 4:30. Water was high running at about 3,800 fps. Fishing was tough talked to 3 groups of fishermen, they landed one big fish over 20 inches the rest of them caught nada!
I was able to a catch 6 fish total:
- 3 grayling on a rubber legs fly
- 2 rainbows on a prince nymph and salmon fly
- 1 whitefish on a prince nymph
Beautiful day with boats filling the river but not till about 11:30. So it was quiet and peaceful float. salmon flies weren't present but the fish were doing a lot of window shopping. Coming up to take a look and taking off, with only one taker. Great day on the water!
Get out there and enjoy all of what Montana has to offer.
Shoot Straight!